Chapters Book
Chapters Book
N. SETTOUTI and F. YOUBI. Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for opinion mining on Drug Reviews. In book: Hong, TP., Serrano-Estrada, L., Saxena, A., Biswas, A. (eds) Deep Learning for Social Media Data Analytics. Studies in Big Data, vol 113 (pp.65–79). Springer, Cham. 2022.
MA. BECHAR, N. SETTOUTI, and I. DOMINGUES. Deep learning vs. Superpixel classification for breast masses segmentation. In book: Deep Learning for Biomedical Applications, CRC Press, 2021.
N. SETTOUTI, M. El HABIB DAHO, MA. BECHAR, MA. LAZOUNI and MA. CHIKH. Semi-automated method for the glaucoma monitoring. In book: Advances in Soft Computing and Machine Learning in Image Processing, pp.227-246. 2018.
N. SETTOUTI, M. El HABIB DAHO, MA. BECHAR and MA. CHIKH. An optimized semi-supervised learning approach for high dimensional datasets. In book: Applying Big Data Analytics in Bioinformatics and Medicine (pp. 294-321) 2017. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
MA. LAZOUNI, M. El HABIB DAHO, N. SETTOUTI, MA. CHIKH and S. MAHMOUDI. Machine Learning Tool for Automatic ASA Detection. In book: Modeling Approaches and Algorithms for Advanced Computer Applications, Springer International Publishing, pp.9-16, 2013.