International Conferences


  • "Efficient Multiple Myeloma chemotherapy treatment Prediction under a budget". M. SAIDI and N. SETTOUTI. In the 1st national Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT'2022). Online Conference, February 21-22 2022, Tamanrasset, Algeria.

  • "Le réseau neuronal récurrent pour la prédiction des émotions à partir du signal EEG". F. YOUBI and N. SETTOUTI. Le Colloque National sur l’Apport des Neurosciences dans le Marketing-Management (Neuromarketing- Neuromanagement). Online Conference, June 09, 2022, Tlemcen, Algeria.


  • "A comparison of U-net backbones architectures for the automatic white blood cells segmentation". H. BENDIABDALLAH and N. SETTOUTI. In the 2nd International Conference on New Computer Science and Engineering Trends (NCSET'21), December 3-4th, 2021, online, Tunisia.

  • "Deep Transfer Learning techniques for automated classification of histological childhood medulloblastoma images". W. GHEZALI and N. SETTOUTI. In: Djeddi, C., Siddiqi, I., Jamil, A., Ali Hameed, A., Kucuk, İ. (eds) Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. MedPRAI 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1543. Springer, Cham. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-04112-9_10

  • "Pre-trained backbones effect on nuclei segmentation performance". C. MAAROUF, ML. BENOMAR and N. SETTOUTI. In: Djeddi, C., Siddiqi, I., Jamil, A., Ali Hameed, A., Kucuk, İ. (eds) Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. MedPRAI 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1543. Springer, Cham. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-04112-9_8

  • "Machine learning methods to predict chemotherapy treatment of Multiple Myeloma patients using clinical data". F. YOUBI, N. SETTOUTI and M. SAIDI. International Congress on Health Science and Medical Technologies 2021 (ICHSMT'21), 27-29 June 2021, Tlemcen, Algeria.

  • "COVID-19 tweets sentiment analysis using machine learning approaches and divers document representations." F. YOUBI and N. SETTOUTI. International Conference on Advances in Communication Technology, Computing and Engineering (ICACTCE'21), March 24-26, 2021 CyberSpace (Virtually from Morocco).

  • "Content-Based COVID-19 X-rays and CT Images Retrieval framework using Stacked Auto-Encoders". FZ. BENYELLES, A. SEKKAL and N.SETTOUTI. In the 2nd International Workshop on Human-centric Smart environments for Health and well-being (IHSH’21), February 9-10, 2021, Boumerdes, Algeria. DOI: 10.1103/IHSH51661.2021.9378730.

  • "Convolutional Neuronal Networks for Tumor Regions Detection in Histopathology Images". ML. BENOMAR, N. SETTOUTI, R. XIAO, D. AMBROSETTI and X. DESCOMBES. Proceeding In the International Conference on Digital Technologies and Applications (ICDTA'21), January 29-30, 2021, Fez, Morocco. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 211. Springer, Cham DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-73882-2


  • "Convolutional Neural Networks for opinion mining on Drug reviews". F. YOUBI and N. SETTOUTI. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Pattern Recognition (ISPR '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 17–21. DOI: 10.1145/3432867.3432888 (Best Paper Award).

  • "Selection of prognostic features for multiple myeloma diagnosis in the region of Tlemcen, Algeria". R. GUILAL, N. SETTOUTI, A. BENDAHMEN, F. YOUBI, N. MESLI and MA. CHIKH. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Pattern Recognition (ISPR '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 17–21. DOI: 10.1145/3432867.3432899


  • "Instance selection algorithms for a Cost sensitive medical diagnosis". M. SAIDI, F. YOUBI and N. SETTOUTI. In the Third International Conference on Biotechnology and Cancer (ICBC'19), December 07-08, 2019 in Oran, Algeria.

  • "Clinical and paraclinical factors selection for multiple myeloma diagnosis in wilaya of Tlemcen". R. GUILAL, A.F. BENDAHMANE, N. SETTOUTI, A. BENAZZOUZ and MA. CHIKH. In the International Conference on Advanced Electrical Engineering 2019 (ICAEE 2019) 19-21th November, 2019 in Algiers, Algeria. DOI: 10.1109/ICAEE47123.2019.9014837

  • "A Variable Importance Measure for Multiple Myeloma Staging Disease Prediction under a Budget". K. BOUKHOBZA, R. GUILAL, M. SAIDI and N. SETTOUTI. Conférence Internationale Mathématiques Financières Outils & Applications (MFOA'19) les 28 et 29 Octobre 2019, Bejaia, Algérie.

  • "Prognostic factors selection for multiple myeloma diagnosis in wilaya of Tlemcen". R. GUILAL, N. SETTOUTI, A.F. BENDAHMANE, A. BENAZZOUZ, MA. CHIKH and N. MESLI. In The First International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Recognition (ICPAR 2019) October 22- 24, 2019 in Tebessa, Algeria. (Best Paper Award)

  • "A comparative study of Semi-Supervised Clustering methods with pairwise constraints". M. El HABIB DAHO, N. SETTOUTI, A. SAIDI, S. LAKHDARI, MA. BECHAR and M. SAIDI. In the 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology (ICA2IT19), on March 4-6, 2019, Ouargla, Algeria.

  • "L'analyse factorielle en composantes principales pour la détection des paramètres influant dans le dépistage du trouble du spectre autistique chez l'adulte". N. SETTOUTI, MA. BECHAR, M. SAIDI and M. El HABIB DAHO. 9ème édition du colloque ​Tendances dans les Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie Algérie Maroc (TAMTAM'19), 23-27 Février 2019, Tlemcen, Algerie.

  • "Le graphe de voisinage pour le calcul de confiance en auto-apprentissage". MA. BECHAR, N. SETTOUTI and M. SAIDI and M. El HABIB DAHO. 9ème édition du colloque ​Tendances dans les Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie Algérie Maroc (TAMTAM'19), 23-27 Février 2019, Tlemcen, Algerie.

  • "Modèle intelligent basé sur la corrélation pour le diagnostic de la Leucémie". M. El HABIB DAHO, N. SETTOUTI, MA. BECHAR and M. SAIDI. 9ème édition du colloque ​Tendances dans les Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie Algérie Maroc (TAMTAM'19), 23-27 Février 2019, Tlemcen, Algerie.

  • "Analyse de corrélation des facteurs pronostic pour le diagnostic du Myélome Multiple dans la Wilaya de Tlemcen". R. GUILAL, N. SETTOUTI and MA. CHIKH. 9ème édition du colloque ​Tendances dans les Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie Algérie Maroc (TAMTAM'19), 23-27 Février 2019, Tlemcen, Algerie.


  • “Comparaison of ensemble cost sensitive algorithms in credit scoring prediction". M. SAIDI, M. EL HABIB DAHO, N. SETTOUTI and MA. BECHAR. In The 3rd Edition of the International Conference on Advanced Aspects of Software Engineering (ICAASE’18) on December 01-02, 2018, Constantine, Algeria.

  • "Cost sensitive learning in imbalanced datasets: application to credit card fraud detection". M. SAIDI, N. SETTOUTI and MA. BECHAR. In the 7th. International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb’2018 : Knowledge Organization in the perspective of Digital Humanities: Research and Application, on November 25th – 26th, 2018 in Bejaïa, Algeria.

  • "Semi-supervised Super-pixels classification for White Blood Cells segmentation". MA. BECHAR, N. SETTOUTI, M. El HABIB DAHO and MA. CHIKH. In the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems (PAIS'18), on OCTOBER 24-25, 2018, TEBESSA, ALGERIA.


  • “Data Editing for semi-supervised Co-Forest by the Local Cut Edge Weight Statistic Graph (CEWS-Co-Forest)”. N. SETTOUTI, MA. BECHAR, M. El HABIB DAHO and MA. CHIKH. International Conference on Affective Computing, Machine Learning And Intelligent Systems ACMLIS'17. MAY 18-20, 2017 Tetuan, Morocco.

  • "The homogeneous ensemble methods for MLknn algorithm". K. DOUIBI, N. SETTOUTI and MA. CHIKH. 8th International Conference on Computer Technologies and Development ICCTD'17. March 20-22, 2017. Paris, France. DOI: 10.1145/3093241.3093262 (Best Presentation Award)


  • "Application of pixel selection in pixel-based classification for automatic white blood cell segmentation". M. SAIDI, MA. BECHAR, N. SETTOUTI and MA. CHIKH. In Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (MedPRAI-2016). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 31-38. DOI:


  • "Statistical comparisons of the Top 10 algorithms in data mining for classification task". N. SETTOUTI, MA. BECHAR and MA. CHIKH. International conference Advanced Information Technology, Services and Systems (AIT2S-15). December 16-17, 2015 Faculty of Sciences & Technologies, Settat, Morocco.

  • "Croissance de région par classification pixellaire : Application aux images cytologiques". MA. BECHAR, N. SETTOUTI, M. El HABIB DAHO and MA. CHIKH. Systeme Conjoint de Compression et Indexation des Objets Videos: SCCIBOV'2015, December 02-03, 2015, Djillali Liabes University -Faculty of Technology, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria.

  • "An improved Rotate Forest classifier for the recognition of Parkinson's disease". S. BENIKHLEF, E. BENDIMERAD, K. DOUIBI and N. SETTOUTI. Knowledge Discovery and Data Analysis KDDA’2015, November 15- 18, 2015. ESI, Algiers, Algeria.

  • "Bagged MLknn : Bootstrap and Aggregating K Nearest Neighbors for Multi-label data classification". K. DOUIBI and N. SETTOUTI. Knowledge Discovery and Data Analysis KDDA’2015, November 15- 18, 2015. ESI, Algiers, Algeria.

  • "L'impact de la mesure de similarité en auto-apprentissage". MA. BECHAR, N. SETTOUTI and MA. CHIKH. Colloque sur l'Optimisation et les Systèmes d'Information COSI'2015, 1 au 3 juin 2015, Université d'Oran 1, Ahmed Ben Bella, Oran, Algérie.


  • "Identification automatique des facteurs importants qui influent sur le contrôle du diabète en Algérie". N. SETTOUTI, MA. LAZOUNI, M. El HABIB DAHO and MA. CHIKH. Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BIOMEIC'14), 15-16 october 2014, Université de Tlemcen, Algérie.

  • "Bagged Nearest Neighbor Classifiers in Semi Supervised Learning". N. SETTOUTI, M. A. BECHAR, M. EL HABIB DAHO, M. A. LAZOUNI, M. A. CHIKH. The 19 International Conference on Mechanics in Medecine and Biology (ICMMB'14), September 3-5 2014, Bologna, Italy.

  • "Dynamic Pruning For Random Forest". M. El HABIB DAHO, N. SETTOUTI, MA. LAZOUNI and MA. CHIKH. The 19 International Conference on Mechanics in Medecine and Biology (ICMMB'14), September 3-5 2014, Bologna, Italy.

  • "Automatic Detection Of Difficult Tracheal Intubation". MA. LAZOUNI, N. SETTOUTI, M. El HABIB DAHO and MA. CHIKH. The 4th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'14). April 14-16 2014, Marrakesh, Morocco, Pages: 438 - 443, IEEE Xplore, DOI:10.1109/ICMCS.2014.6911187

  • "Weighted vote for trees aggregation in Random Forest". M. El HABIB DAHO, N. SETTOUTI, MA. LAZOUNI and MA. CHIKH. The 4th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'14). April 14-16 2014, Marrakesh, Morocco, Pages: 453 - 458, IEEE Xplore, DOI:10.1109/ICMCS.2014.6911235

  • "Amélioration des Forêts Aléatoires pour une Meilleure Prédiction". M. El HABIB DAHO, N. SETTOUTI, MA. LAZOUNI and MA. CHIKH. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology (ICA2IT). Ouargla, Algeria, March 10-12, 2014.

  • "Optimisation des Forêts Aléatoires Floues". N. SETTOUTI, M. El HABIB DAHO, MA. LAZOUNI, A. KOULOUGHLI, S. KALACHE, and MA. CHIKH. The First International Symposium on Informatics and its Applications ISIA'14. M'sila, Algeria, February 25-26, 2014.

  • "Étude d'une Forêt Aléatoire à Vote Pondéré". M. El HABIB DAHO, N. SETTOUTI, MA. LAZOUNI and MA. CHIKH. The First International Symposium on Informatics and its Applications ISIA'14. M'sila, Algeria, February 25-26, 2014.


  • "Random Forest in Semi Supervised Learning «Co-forest»". N. SETTOUTI, M. El HABIB DAHO, M.A LAZOUNI and MA. CHIKH. The 9th International Workshop on Systems, Signal Processing and their Applications (WoSSPA'13) 12-15 May 2013, Hotel Safir, Mazafran, Algiers, Algeria. DOI:10.1109/WoSSPA.2013.6602385

  • "Recognition of Diabetes Disease Using a New Hybrid Learning Algorithm for NEFCLASS". M. El HABIB DAHO, N. SETTOUTI, M.A LAZOUNI and MA. CHIKH. The 9th International Workshop on Systems, Signal Processing and their Applications (WoSSPA'13) 12-15 May 2013, Hotel Safir, Mazafran, Algiers, Algeria. DOI:10.1109/WoSSPA.2013.6602369

  • "Machine Learning Tool for Automatic ASA Detection". MA. LAZOUNI, M. El HABIB DAHO, N. SETTOUTI, MA. CHIKH and S. MAHMOUDI. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (CIIA'13), Saida, Algeria, Mai 3-6, 2013. Modeling Approaches and Algorithms for Advanced Computer Applications Studies in Computational Intelligence Volume 488, 2013.


  • "Conditional Inference Forest for Variables Selection of Medical Data". N. SETTOUTI, M. El HABIB DAHO, M. SAIDI and MA. CHIKH. Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BIOMEIC'12), October 10-11, Tlemcen, Algeria.

  • "Approche Filtre pour l'identification des gènes pertinents des données biopuces du Cancer du Côlon". A. HAFA, N. SETTOUTI and MA. CHIKH. Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BIOMEIC'12), October 10-11, Tlemcen, Algeria.

  • "Sélection de Variables neuronale pour le diagnostic du Diabète". MA. BEKHTI N. SETTOUTI and MA. CHIKH. Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BIOMEIC'12), October 10-11, Tlemcen, Algeria.

  • "Multi-Agents Approach with neuro-genetic model for the Recognition of Breast Cancer". N. HAMDAN, N. SETTOUTI, M. SAIDI and MA. CHIKH. Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BIOMEIC'12), October 10-11, Tlemcen, Algeria.

  • "Applications des forêts Aléatoires pour La sélection de descripteurs de données médicales". N. SETTOUTI, MA. CHIKH and M. SAIDI. Colloque sur l'Optimisation et les Systèmes d'Information (COSI'12), 12-15 Mai 2012, Tlemcen, Algérie


  • "Interpretable Classifier of Diabetes Disease". N. SETTOUTI, MA. CHIKH and M. SAIDI. The 2011 International Conference on Information Security and Artificial Intelligence (ISAI'11). Dec. 28 - 30, 2011, Dubai, UAE

  • "Automatic identification of Diabetes Diseases using an Artificial Immune Recognition System2 (AIRS2) with Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor". M. SAIDI, MA. CHIKH and N. SETTOUTI. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (CIIA'11), Saida, Algeria, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol 825. December 13-15, 2011.

  • "Approche Multi Agents pour la Reconnaissance du Cancer du Sein". N. HAMDAN, N. SETTOUTI, MA. CHIKH and M. SAIDI. Journées Internationales de Probabilités et Statistique (JIPS'11). Novembre 20-22, 2011, Alger, Algérie