Scientific Activities and collaboration
Scientific Activities
November 22, 2019 -- Participation in the Machine Learning Applied to Medical Data workshop organized by the research group ATLAS of GdR MADICS in Grenoble, France.
October 14-17, 2019 -- Participation in the Transforming Models of STEM Education training at New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE.
June 13, 2019 -- Chair of the Biomedical Engineering Doctoral Day JDGBM'19.
June 13, 2019 -- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Biomedical Engineering Doctoral Day JDGBM'19.
April 28-29, 2019 -- Organizer member of the Deep Learning INDABA X Algeria school co-organized by the University of Tlemcen, Algeria and University of ROWAN, New Jersey (USA).
May 10, 2018 -- Chair of the Program Committee of the Biomedical Engineering Doctoral Day JDGBM'18.
April 09, 2018 -- Organizer member of the Deep Learning workshop INDABAXAlgeria organized by the University of Tlemcen, Algeria and University of MONS, Belgium.
May 10, 2018 -- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Biomedical Engineering Doctoral Day JDGBM'18
October 09-12, 2017 -- Member of the Organizing Committee of the Autumn School on Embedded Systems Tlemcen ESET'17
January 05, 2017 -- Plenary for the Seminar of the Nephrology Service -Tlemcen Hospital, Algeria
November 21, 2016 -- Member of the Organizing Committee of the Biomedical Engineering Day BioMEDay'16.
May 05, 2016 -- Member of the Organizing Committee of the Biomedical Engineering Doctoral Day JDGBM'16.
University of MONS, Belgium (Pr Said Mahmoudi and Dr SidiAhmed Mahmoud)
LIMOS -Clermont Auvergne, France (Pr Vincent Barra)
MORPHEME team (INRIA / I3S / iBV) Sophia Antipolis, France (Pr Xavier Descombes)
LIX - École Polytechnique Paris, France (Dr Jesse Read)
Institut Fresnel- Aix-Marseille Unversity, France (Pr Mouloud Adel)
IPO Porto Research Centre (CI-IPOP), Portugal (Dr Inês Domingues)